Maybe they will announce they found Elvis alive and well on mars?
But seriously space, the final frontier, really is amazing isn't it.
The Rebel.
nasa is holding a press conference today entiltled " mars mystery solved".
speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on mars?.
the significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.. the rebel..
Maybe they will announce they found Elvis alive and well on mars?
But seriously space, the final frontier, really is amazing isn't it.
The Rebel.
nasa is holding a press conference today entiltled " mars mystery solved".
speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on mars?.
the significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.. the rebel..
NASA is holding a press conference today entiltled " Mars mystery solved"
Speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on Mars?
The significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.
The Rebel.
does anyone have an accounting of those properties?
which properties and possible value of sale?.
sounds like that the watchtower may want to sell quickly?
Selling property is always, and always will be bad business.
The Rebel.
today i read a news topic about the pope in the us.
of course, we were all indoctrinated that the pope is the devil himself.
but, did you see a gb member or a local wts official ever giving attention to a paralyzed witness?
The only time I saw a member of the G.B was when he gave a talk at the conversion. It saddened and surprised me that he seemed to have nothing better to talk about than " designer" stubble.
The Rebel.
here in france we received instruction to stand back from the cart.. so you can see "angels" witnessing with a cart by its own, no one around, and no one cares, i stayed a while, did my shopping, and half an hour later the "poor angel" was still there on his own.... i guess wherever is the publisher, he s hard working counting his hours..
Fisherman." But an enemy will not be given mercy"
The Rebel: With respect that comment sounds a bit " Heil Hitler". Surely a merciful God would want reconciliation with an enemy?
The Rebel.
when the org implements its bethelite "genocide" and demotes many members of the "worldwide order of special full-time servants of jehovahs witnesses" into lowly regular pioneers, many more trollies will have to be found in order for such ones to rack up their required monthly hours.. how many are actually going to be shocked by this into waking up?
The Searcher (Q) " how many are going to be shocked by this in to waking up?"
The Rebel (A) It saddens me but I honestly believe most would rather be miserable and unawakened,
The Rebel.
here in france we received instruction to stand back from the cart.. so you can see "angels" witnessing with a cart by its own, no one around, and no one cares, i stayed a while, did my shopping, and half an hour later the "poor angel" was still there on his own.... i guess wherever is the publisher, he s hard working counting his hours..
In my area it was a common accurance to see the cart on the large suare each Saturday morning, ( weather permitting). This has now escalated and I see a cart, on both the large and smaller square on anyday that I venture in to town.
In my opinion these carts could be a very successful way to witness. Why not carts in the park ? Why not carts in the main shopping centre? (which is outside the city centre) Why not a cart outside the train station?
So my observation is that I don't feel the enthusiasm is their, it is simply done as a duty, In my opinion those standing by the cart get the sattisfaction of thinking themselfs zelouse witnesses as they stand away from the cart and contently talk amongst themselfs.
But the simple fact is the carts are an excellent way to target, identify and educate people who have a spiritual interest. If the carts are not effective in my opinion it is an incitement on the organisations general desire to make it work.
The Rebel
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
LaureanM ( Q) " Does Anyone Still Believe in God?
The Rebel ( A) I still believe in Holy Love. So I try to respect the " Dogs" that call themselfs " Gods".
And if you spell" God" backwards what have you got?
The answer is " DOG"
So what am I trying to say?
I believe in Dogs, and I try to respect all forms of physical existence, be it dogs,cats or elephants.( Now an elephant is a God in the Hindu religion)
The Rebel
so i was fooled by the witnesses.
what can i learn from that?
not to accept things at face value but to seek out opinion and different view points.. hence my question " do you believe man landed on the moon?.
The Rebel " Shall we now close this thread folks?"
The Rebel. " Well then let me think. What will be my honest final word?"
WHO CARES, REBEL,..just shut the FICK UP !!
The Rebel.
so i was fooled by the witnesses.
what can i learn from that?
not to accept things at face value but to seek out opinion and different view points.. hence my question " do you believe man landed on the moon?.
The Rebel. " I hope that makes sence?"
Viviane: " Nope not in the least"
Well let me spell it out for you in black and white.
A) I believe each poster creates a little note book, a history which reveals how they interact with other posters.
B) I am interested in exploring new lines of thought with kind, intelligent people who I feel a connection with.
C) In my option if I feel that connection isn't their, then it's probably best to close communication with that poster.
D) I mean it's not as though our reason for posting is to be confrontational is it?
Good morning to you.
The Rebel.